Pursuing People, Proclaiming Jesus
Connect with us
Sunday Worship at 10:30am
7315 County Line Rd, New Albany, IN 47150
Community Groups
Thursdays at 6:30
Monthly Men's Breakfast, Women's Ministry, and Sunday Evening Service
Contact us for more details
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About us
Jesus Christ is the resurrected and reigning King, for whom we exist to worship, obey, glorify and proclaim.
South Point exists to be a church where God is glorified, Christ is proclaimed, and relationsihps with people are pursued as believers are equipped to grow, serve, and go.
Our vision is to see members of South Point leveraging their lives for Christ, as they are sent out to proclaim the glory of God and the transforming power of the gospel, in every place they are called to go.
We are an elder-led congregational Baptist Church, and we affirm the Baptist Faith and Message 2000.
Affiliations: Some of the entities we either support or align ourselves with are IX Marks, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Cru, Serge Global, Re:Center Ministries, Practical Shepherding, and the Southeast Indiana Baptist Association.
Our Pastors
Dan Conrades
Lead Pastor
Dusty Feldmann
Operations Pastor
Elliot Cameron
Lay Elder
Michael Bailey
Lay Elder